Following the worldwide conspiracy hysteria, fake narratives that attack Bill Gates for having a
connection with the spread of coronavirus have come to the Republic of Moldova too.
The most popular narrative tackles that Bill Gates is one of the main beneficiaries of the
COVID-19 outbreak as it will allow for his companies and WHO to spread vaccines worldwide
and thus reduce the world population.
The conspiracy explores Bill Gates’ double standard: Even though he fiercely promotes
vaccination programmes, his children are not vaccinated. The narrative plays] with religious
feelings too. Thus, the catholic wife of Bill Gates is said to wear an inverted cross which is a
Satanist symbol when she pleads for global vaccination. Narratives are also associated with
renowned public figures such as the Pope who is portrayed as a supporter of global vaccination,
thus joining Gates’ side on the one hand while on the other hand the relatives of J.F. Kennedy
doubted Bill Gates’ vaccine campaigns.
Do you know that Bill Gates does not let his children be vaccinated even though he the most active promoter of the mandatory vaccination campaign?
Bill Gates’ vaccines have left 496.000 Indian children paralyzed
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. affirms that Bill Gates takes advantage of the crisis to impose his mandatory vaccination programmes
Obscure local websites with profound nationalist and/or religious touch
Flux newspaper website, which belongs to a fading politician, Iurie Roșca, has capitalized
primarily on conspiracy theories. This is what it says about Bill Gates:
(We should)… prepare morally for the vaccination of all by the saviors of mankind such as Bill
Gates and other philanthropists eager to make us happy by the collective euthanasia of about
six billion people who have already lost resilience.
Confessions of a Christian optimist – 29.05.2020. Coercive vaccination – Generalized state terrorism
Websites promote that the international community has already acknowledged the danger and has mobilized to sign petitions against Bill Gates.
A petition against Bill Gates published on the website of the White House has collected 490.000
Religious authorities/institutions
Perhaps one of the biggest surprises of this pandemic is the fact that the narrative was
embraced by the Metropolitan Church of Moldova:
“Bill Gates is considered primarily responsible for creating the technology of microchipping the
population, through a vaccine that introduces nanoparticles that react to waves transmitted by
5G technology and allow the system to control remotely humans”
Pro-Kremlin media
State Russian media – Channel 1 - which also airs in Moldova promoted the conspiracy within
the prime-time program Man and Law (Человек и закон). During a 15-minute fragment of the
program, Gates was described as a sponsor of the WHO and seeks to reduce the population of
the planet. To prove their point, dubious and unrelated experts and journalists were presented in
the material. adopts a safe position with respect to conspiracies in general. Their articles rely on
trustworthy sources, however, when given the chance, they mention that Bill Gates and his
activity are subject to conspiracies. Thus, the information is revealed in a way that suggests that
people should admit at least that some negative and strange things are going on around his
An Italian MP calls for Bill Gates’ arrest on charges of crimes against humanity
Public figures
The critically acclaimed Russian filmmaker, Nikita Mikhalkov who is a vocal supporter of
Vladimir Putin, has joined the conspiracy camp, too. Within his program – –
Mikhalkov explained that Bill Gates intends to introduce chips through vaccines. An associated
narrative promoted by the filmmaker deals with a patent registered by Gates’ company which
contains “666” - WO/2020/060606. The narrative has been encountered in local media too.
Confessions of a Christian optimist – 26.05.2020. Bill Gates’ license No. 666 on the enslavement of mankind
Target Group
The pro-Kremlin media targets Russian speaking audience, people with pro-Russian
sympathies. Nikita Mikhalkov intends to appeal to an elevated public given his authority as a
brilliant filmmaker. Local shady websites target both Romanian and Russian speaking audience.
It addresses mainly to religious groups that cherish traditional Orthodox values, as well as the
public with anti-western and anti-corporatist views.
The fact-checking site sent a request to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to
comment on the anti-Gates campaign. The media department of the foundation provided a list
of articles already published by trustworthy sources that prove that the rumors have no factual
substrata. also cited Reuters for a debunking article which states that Gates did
mention the possibility of having a “digital certificate” for health records “eventually,” but he did
not say these certificates would be “microchip implants.”